7 facts about the prices of fruit in Thailand in November

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Thailand cuisine

Anyone who travels a lot, easily tell you that the most famous kitchen in the world - it's natural, Thai cuisine. Like any oriental cuisine it combines sweet and sour, so sour fruit juice and sugar are very common in Thai cooking recipes. Due to the very warm climate Thais shoot for the year two, and even three crops, and various greens pleases them throughout the year.

Thai in her kitchen use all kinds of meat, a lot of fish, and of course, fruits and vegetables. The main feature of Thai cuisine is the use of different spices and bitter pepper Chile, as in Thailand is growing more than ten of its varieties.

For rice can serve meat, fish, seafood, by the way, rice cooked without salt and spices. This is done in order to be able to seize the rice spicy dish. The most popular Thai dishes include:

  1. Among the soups - a spicy soup tom-yam with shrimp. Soups in Thai cuisine rarely eat alone, usually bought as an accompaniment to other dishes.
  2. Rice - also serves as a complement to meat, seafood, vegetables and curry. Rice removes the sharpness of other Thai dishes and carries the bulk of the nutrients.
  3. Also very popular among Thai people enjoy noodles. There are several varieties - okra - wheat, keo- Japanese, Qui Theo - rice. Its use with meat broth and fried.
  4. Salads are also accompanied by Thai cuisine.
  5. Fish and seafood - the main supply of protein Thai cuisine. The explanation is simple - Thailand - the sea country, so catch of fish is very highly developed. Generally cuisine of Thailand - a nutritious and healthy food. The most important difference of Thai restaurants is that you can come here with their drinks, and you not only will not be asked to leave, and offered glasses and ice. Although some restaurants you are still asked to pay a purely symbolic sum for you to be able to open your bottle. In Thailand, you can always find a place where you can make cheap and tasty meal. However, do not forget that water for drinking should be either filtered or boiled.
  6. Meat, strangely on the table of Thais is rare. The most popular meat in Thai people - is pork, which local chefs cook very well. In general, in one dish they like to combine several types of meat. Serving of meat, usually with vegetables, noodles and coconut sauce and seafood.
  7. A lot of Thai dishes are not without coconut milk. Coconut is an essential ingredient in the preparation of meat and fish dishes. Familiar to us milk products of animal Thais replace coconut milk and cream

Basic condiments and spices used in Thai cooking. Popular ingredient that is contained in the Thai dishes - chili pepper. It gives the very spicy to cuisine of Thailand. However, the leading position among the spices in Thai cuisine takes curry. Thais never use so familiar to us curry powder. Basically the chef to create their dishes used curry paste. For its preparation one use Chile, fresh curry, coriander, garlic, shallots, shrimp paste, lemon grass, galangal. A more distinctive feature of Thai cuisine - a huge number of different sauces- seasonings, who love to use Thai chefs for cooking. This sauce with coconut milk-based curry ("Kaeng curry" with potatoes, "Kaeng massaman" with peanuts, spicy "Kaeng Phet", "Kaeng Khieu baths" with greens), shrimp paste (for its production - salted and dried shrimp, then they are soaked and then pressed together, fish sauce, which is prepared as well as shrimp paste, but is the raw material small fish.

Table manners Thais borrowed from their neighbors. Namely, in order to eat noodles, Thais use special sticks (as in China). However, there are those that are used for food familiar to us spoons and forks. The same instruments and eat rice. If you eat authentic Thai dish, knife you do not really need, since all conveniently shredded. In a restaurant it is best to go to the company to have someone to discuss the specifics of Thai cuisine, order as many as possible to try all the dishes. Be polite. Respect yourself and others.

Drinks of Thailand

Coming to rest in any exotic country, we always want to try new experiences, from an unusual nature, exotic animals, to become acquainted with the historical and cultural life of the country, we have come to rest. Culinary traditions of each country are not less interesting and every one of us is always in the presented opportunity to enjoy sometimes it is not usual for us delicious food and drinks. Thailand provides gourmet from around the world a great opportunity to experience and enjoy all the pleasures of the national Thai food and their drinks.

On rest in Thailand remember in any case you can not drink water from the tap, tap water is only for technical purposes. In all supermarkets in Thailand selling bottled water in various capacities and costs very little, and there you will find a large selection of soft drinks.

In Thai restaurants, bars and in the street offers an incredible variety of drinks and shakes that are made from natural fruits. Thais use the juice with a little salt, when you buy juice on the street do not want to inform the seller you do not add salt, Thai Since it sounds like this: "May sai klya."

In Thailand, a big draw juice of sugar cane, which is great thirst quencher, it is served in restaurants for dishes with curry and rice, and in any restaurant you will always offer this drink. Also encourage you to try watermelon (watermelon shake) shake or mango (mango shake), they cost from 40 to 80 baht and cool quench their thirst, and in addition are very tasty. Serve them with ice and straw-spoon, which is wonderful drawn watermelon or mango - soft mixture.

Also, in every cafe and bar serves juices of pineapple, mango, guava, coconut and many other fruits. Common name of the juice Since Thai sounds - "nam phonlamay". When you order a juice, add to it the name of the fruit, eg nam- "Mans" - lemon juice, we - "teng mo" - watermelon juice. If you want to order, fresh squeezed juice, Thai it is called "Nam Khan" like us (water) "saparot" (pineapple), "han" (squeezed) - fully squeezed pineapple juice, orange juice squeezed sounds - "we som han" if you want to juice with ice ask "we pan", the juice of papaya in Thai will be - "we malako pan."

In Thai cuisine, there is a fresh dessert, which actually is a good aphrodisiac. Just imagine - basil seeds in coconut milk! Cook it pretty simple, but for this you have to get real coconuts (it's not quite what we sold in stores), sweet Thai basil and palm sugar ... Basil seeds put in the water, stir and let stand for ten minutes, then drain the water, and the seeds spread out into cups. Chop cleaver coconuts, liquid drain (it can be used for the preparation of soft drinks), and part of the flesh with a spoon, remove the seeds and mix with basil. Prepare coconut cream, dissolve them in palm sugar (to taste), pour it into cups with basil seeds, chill and serve.

Coffee. It is consumed much less than tea. If you ask for the coffee, it's likely you will be served instant Nescafe. This espresso is hardly to find, except that Sarica Suriwong Road in Bangkok. Black cold coffee sold in bottles in most stores. In case of loss of strength and fatigue Thais prefer vitamin concentrate "Lipovitan, which is recommended to drink water.

If you like beer, Thailand is better to buy imported beer, which is widely represented in all supermarkets melting, local beer is not very high quality, but a matter of taste.

Some popular brands of beer: Thai - Singha (60-100 baht), Kloster (lighter and more expensive) or Amarit. Almost all have a beer "Heineken" and "Carlsberg". Beer in Thailand drink more than 400 million. Liters per year (in 1987 it was just a drunk 95 million. L), even despite the relatively high cost of the drink because of high state taxes. This is due to the fact that the consumption of beer corresponds to a higher social status, as wealthy Thais prefer beer to the local whiskey, although the price for it ranges from 30 to 80 baht depending on where to drink it. The most popular variety is the beer Singha, about 90% of the Thai market. It's pretty strong - 6 degrees, so if you want to keep a clear head as long as possible and do not want to sleep ahead of time preference light beer of the same variety - Gold. Kloster beer brand and Amarit have a single producer. These grades are suitable to someone who thinks too strong Singha and Carlsberg too expensive. Carlsberg beer sweeter and easier than Singha, it is also the most expensive. Appeared on the market and new brands of beer, professionals and amateurs highly praised them, it's Elephant (Chang). In Thailand, a lot of pubs, where you can also dine.

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Fruits of Thailand

In addition to well-known species, such as bananas, pineapples, papaya and mango in Thailand grows many other fruits: durian, mangosteen, sapodilla, rambutan, longan, jackfruit, rose apples. Here is the most popular fruit of Thailand with photo and description.
Pineapple (Thai name Sapa-rot). Pineapple Thailand are among the best in the world. There are about eighty varieties of this fruit. Yellow-green rind hides a juicy and fibrous pulp, which is rich in minerals and vitamins. The taste is rich - from sweet and sour to sweet. The smell of ripe pineapple pleasant and slightly sweet. Choosing pineapple, pay attention to its hardness - it should be slightly soft under the fingers, but not be too soft or too hard.
Dragon fruit (Thai name - geow mangon). Bright pink fruit with scales. The size of a large apple and slightly elongated shape. The edges of the "flakes" - green or green color. The flesh inside is white with small black seeds.
Guava (Thai name - farang). Season: all year round. Location in Thailand come from a plant native to South America is considered to be unclear. Perhaps it was brought Spaniards. Anyway, guava taken root in Southeast Asia and is now one of the most popular fruits. In Thailand it is used by immature (when the flesh is still green and hard) with salt, sugar and spices.
Jackfruit or breadfruit (Thai name - kha nun). Season: January to May. High trees grow mainly in southern Thailand. Round heavy fruit the size of a large melon can be cut only with a large knife. Under the greenish-yellow peel slices are yellow with unique taste and strong aroma, with lots of seeds inside. Ripened flesh consumed fresh, immature pre-cooked. Jackfruit also mixed with other fruits, added to ice cream or coconut milk. Seeds prepared separately and put in many dishes.
Durian (Thai name - Durian). Season: May to August. It is also called "the king of all fruits" - because of the huge amounts of vitamins and minerals, but when the time comes to ripening durian, Thai markets are filled with specific odor resistant, and around again take out the tablets with a crossed picture of this fruit. Actually, durian and gained fame thanks to the fact that its fruits have exceptional taste, but very bad, hard to describe the smell. Durian is a must try, but do not carry it at the hotel (may be fined). And if I want to bring home, it is better to buy in duty free tightly packed fruit.
Coconuts (Thai name - ma phrao). Season: all year round. If it were not for these fruits, Thai food would be just a combination of Chinese and Indian. Coconuts in Thailand by frequency of use in a variety of dishes - it's like the potato in Eurohe: they are added to rice, eaten fresh. Coconut milk cook most soups. Coconut syrup offered as dessert. In the markets sell coconut milk directly into coconuts.
Langsat (Thai name - lang sat). Season: July to October. This fruit is almost unknown outside the country, but in the Thailand it is very popular. Its greyish flesh has both sweet and sour taste. Seeds Landsat too bitter, so it is necessary to have a piece of fruit carefully.
Lychee (Thai name - Linchi). Season: April to June. One time lychee brought to Thailand from China, so the fruit was considered to be expensive. Now, in the north of the country, there are many farms where they grow lychee, however, still prices remain higher than other fruits. Varieties of litchi very much. Overall fruit is characterized by a sweet flavor and tender flesh, similar to grapes, the color - from pink to purple.
Longan (Thai name - Lamyai). Season: June to August. The name of the fruit is taken from the Chinese ("lun yang" - "Eyes of the Dragon"), and because the plant itself came to Thailand from China (grows in the north of the country). Thais are particularly fond of longan. Usually they eat it fresh, and even in restaurants and served with ice cream.
Longkong grows in the south of Thailand. Season: from May to November. It is a small round fruits with soft sand-colored skin. Grow in clusters. The flesh is translucent white. Taste - sweet sour. Eat fruit fresh. It is very important not to bite the bone - although it is soft, but a bitter taste. Rich in calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron and vitamins B1, B2 and C
Mango (Thai name - Mamuang). Season: March to June. Thai mango varieties differ from those grown in the world, especially from the American. Species that grow only in Thailand, won such popularity in neighboring countries that export mangoes now amounts to millions of pounds.
Mangosteen (Thai name - Mangkhud). Season: April to September. All the rainy season in Thailand markets, especially the southern, abundant fruit mangosteen. Under the thick dark red skinned hides cream-colored flesh, which is better to eat with a fork. The taste of the mangosteen sweet with a slight tart flavor. Incidentally, the larger lobes of the fruit, the smaller the seed.
Papaya (Thai name - Malakor). Season: all year round. Papaya appeared in Indochina in the XVI century and has since is grown there. Exclusively use Thai fruits - spicy salad som tam (papaya sliced strips of unripe, dried shrimp, garlic and chili).
Pomelo (Thai name - Som-oh). Season: August to November. Tastes like grapefruit, but more sweet than sour. Besides pomelo considerably larger in size. The flesh can be reddish in color, just found a pale yellow and orange.
Rambutan (Thai name - Ngaw). Season: All year round, the peak - from May to September. One of the most notable and delicious exclusively Thai fruits. Bright red fruit with pale green stubble to taste vaguely resemble grapes, only sweeter. Rambutan grows in central and southern provinces (Chantanaburi, district of Pattaya, Suratthani).
Rose apple (Thai name - Chom-poo). Season: all year round. There are two varieties of this fruit: one - actually pink in color, the other - green. To taste the fruits similar to ordinary apples, only a few sour. Most beautiful pink apples appear on the market in the cool season - from November to March.
Salak (Thai name La Kham). Scaly fruit, maroon-brown. Oval form with a slightly elongated edges, reminiscent of a drop of water. The rind is thin and fairly easy to remove, but cleaning still need to be careful, because it is covered with small spines and soft-needles. The flesh is white with a slightly yellowish tinge.
Sapodilla (Thai name - La-moot). Season: September to December. Inexperienced person may take for a small mango fruit, only brown and rounded, resembling an egg shape. Fruit is often used for serving meals because of the beautiful brownish pulp. There sapodilla better in full maturity, while the flesh is very sweet and quite soft, though not quite juicy.
Sugar apple (Thai name - Noi Naa). Season: June to September. Under bumpy bog-green skinned hides sweet and aromatic flesh milky. If the fruit is mature enough, that is, it can be a spoon. By the way, the basis of a special ice cream delivered to the Thai restaurants, it serves as a sugar apple. Fruit loves hot and humid climate, so it is grown mainly in the south of the country.
Carambola (Thai name Ma-feung). Season: October to December. Fruits are yellow or green oblong shape. Cut reproach it have the form of a five-pointed star. Because of this, have a second name - Star fruit. Ripe fruits are very juicy. The taste is pleasant floral, not too sweet. The unripe fruit is quite sour taste. They have a lot of vitamin C. In general, the fruit is used for salads, sauces, juices and soft drinks.
Tamarind (Thai name - Makham Thad). Season: December to March. Tamarind - sour fruit, but in Thailand it grows sweet variety. Thai fruits are usually boiled in water, resulting in a refreshing drink, but many Thais eat sweet tamarind fresh.
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