King of Thailand

King of Thailand

Phumiphon Adunyadet

King of Thailand from 1946 belongs to the Chakri dynasty.

People given the title "the Great", also known as Rama IX. Is on the throne with the June 9, 1946. Crowned May 5, 1950. Is the long ruling of acting heads of state and of all the monarchs in the history of Thailand. Is also one of the oldest existing state leaders in the world.

Under the law, whether or according to the tradition of simple majority of Thais perceive the King as something like a demigod; monarchy, along with religion and national unity highly placed in Thai society. Negative comments about the Thai king as condemned by the society, and will be prosecuted. Punishment for insulting the person of the king and the royal family - 7 years in prison, so all the guides about the monarchy, it is recommended to respond or respect, or not at all.

While criticism of the government allowed and even culture (but not Buddhism), is considered a strong insult to the nation and the monarchy was not up to the sound of the national or royal anthem. Radio and Television National Anthem passed at 8:00 and 18:00 pm, in the villages and small towns anthem sounds from loudspeakers on the streets. At this time, the Thais lay all their business to listen to the national anthem standing (except Bangkok and Pattaya and other tourist cities clean). Royal Anthem (incidentally composed the current King of Thailand, which in addition to everything else, and musician) is performed in theaters before movies; the whole audience should listen to the royal anthem from start to finish standing.

Anthem of Thailand


History of the Kingdom of Thailand

In ancient times the territory of present-day Thailand was a mountain, river and jungle, move the person to whom it was possible only on elephant trails. In the ancient history of Thailand only single civilization is known exactly, which lived in the north-east part of the present territory of the country about 5000 years ago. These peoples were the rural settlements, which, judging by the results of archaeological excavations, engaged in agriculture, pottery and metal processing technology which is then passed to ancient China. However, we cannot say with certainty that it was from these communities took place modern Thai. It is believed that the ancestors of the Thais - is immigrants from China, who gradually settled the northern part of present-day Thailand

History of the Kingdom of Siam (Muang Thai) originated in the XIII century. At this time there existed vicegeral state Rouge, which in 1238 was captured by the local Thai people and gained independence. Thai writing began to emerge and the Thai variation of Buddhism.

In 1438 Sukhothai was subordinate to the State Ayutthaya, formed in 1350 and quickly grew up into the full kingdom. Ayutthaya and formed a kingdom in the north of Chiang Mai to defend their territory from the constant attacks of the Burmese and Khmers. In 1569, even so, Ayutthaya was captured Burma, but soon the enemy was exiled, and the kingdom restored, and together with the state of Chiang Mai and neighbor territories was transformed into the Kingdom of Siam.

For 400 years here a special culture of Siam was formed. During these years, many neighboring countries were conquered and colonized by Europeans, but the kingdom of Siam was possible to defend its independence and preserve peaceful relations

Ayutthaya, which has become now the capital of Siam in 1767 was re-captured by the Burmese and was completely destroyed. But again, this area did not get the Burma’s - Burmese army was liquidated by Thaksin Thai General (So Shin), which then became a national hero of the country. Thaksin colleague - Pya Chakri soon became the King of Siam (Rama I) and the founder of the now ruling Chakri dynasty. Ayutthaya city could not be restored, and in 1782 the capital of the kingdom was moved to the south - in Bangkok (Krung Thep. The full official name of the city Krung Thep, which at the time was a small Thai settlement.

In later years Siam grew rapidly in all directions and to maintain an open policy with the Europeans, who never managed to subdue the country itself. When King Rama V the Great Siam was accepted into the international community, and later in 1932 as a result of the revolution became a constitutional monarchy.

In 1939, the Kingdom of Siam was renamed Thailand, which means "land of the Thais" or "land of the free." During World War II the Kingdom of Thailand was allied with Japan, as the Japanese wanted to escape their losses during their capturing of Malaysia, in the territory of southern Thailand. After the war, Thailand supported the United States. Over the years the country was undergoing different political upheavals.

Now the Kingdom of Thailand is a free country with a special system of government and with their individual culture, which is very much based on the philosophy of Buddhism. King of Thailand is Bhumibol Adulyadej (Phumiphon Adunyadet ) - Rama IX of the Chakri Dynasty.

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