What not to do in a Buddhist temple


Buddhism - it's religious and philosophical doctrine of spiritual awakening, which arose in India in the VI century BC, and is not only one of the oldest in the world, but still extant without obvious changes. Teachings and practices of Buddhist monks are not changed for centuries.

    What not to do in a Buddhist temple

1. If you do not just go on a trip and want to attend the sacred service (which is allowed in some churches), in any case can not be late. Delay can be regarded as contempt of the clergy.

    2. Before entering the temple, remove hats and undressed. In addition, the clothing must cover the hands on the forearm and leg to the ankle. Sometimes when you enter the temple given special clothing to visitors, but about your costume, of course, better taken care of beforehand.

    3. You can not talk on the phone to communicate with each other and solve any your problems.

    4. Women better not to start a conversation and not to take any action against the clergy - in some temples monks forbidden to communicate with women. Or visitors.

    5. Never sit in front of a Buddha statue so that it pointed toes of your feet (and Thais even against people it considered indecent gesture).


    1. In the central hall moves over the course of the sun, ie left to right, trying not to turn their backs to the altar.

    2. Make offerings and donations (that we develop a generosity and overwhelming greed).

    3. Order prayer (usually in the lobby to the left of the entrance to the central hall), entering the names of loved ones and making offerings. Through the good wishes of all living beings we gain good karma.

    4. If you need to spend some time in the church to think about the meaning of life, good and evil, moral and ethical standards, you can sit on the bench or on the floor.

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